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Enrique Hernandez Gonzalez

Enrique Hernandez Gonzalez

Assistant Director, Cybercrime Operations, INTERPOL
Enrique Hernandez is an official of the Spanish National Police, currently serving as the Head of Cybercrime Operations Unit at INTERPOL’s Cybercrime Directorate. Before joining INTERPOL, he worked in the Central Cybercrime Unit of the Spanish National Police for 10 years, specializing in most types of cybercrime, such as cyberattacks, Business Email compromise or online scams, while leading major investigations, at both national and international level against organized crime groups. He was also the point of contact in international working groups leaded by major organizations, such as INTERPOL or Europol, and took part in several international trainings organized by the Spanish Police as an expert in cybercrime. Before joining the Central Cybercrime Unit, he also worked for the Regional Anti-Drugs Trafficking Unit, in Barcelona, and in the Central Economic Crimes Units, in Madrid. He joined INTERPOL’s Cybercrime Directorate in December 2021, leading and coordinating task forces and major joint investigations involving INTERPOL’s 195 countries, with the objective of preventing, detecting, investigating and disrupting cybercrime. He holds and Engineering in Telecommunications from the Technical University of Madrid and a Master in Police Sciences from the University of Salamanca.


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